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Home News USA This Holiday Season U.S. Workers Are Most Thankful for Job Stability

This Holiday Season U.S. Workers Are Most Thankful for Job Stability
added: 2010-12-27

When it comes to their jobs, one-quarter of Americans are most thankful for job stability this holiday season, according to data released in a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Heald College. The survey asked employed Americans to identify what they were most grateful for in their work life – other than pay.

"Given the current state of economy, it's no surprise that Americans not only value the fact that they have jobs, but truly value the fact that they expect to keep their jobs long term," said Jennifer Lozada, corporate director of career services for Heald College. "Americans want to feel that they are appreciated for what they do and that they will continue to play a long-term vital role in the workforce."

According to the survey and second to job stability, 24% of Americans indicated that they were most grateful for flexibility in their schedules.

"With the demands and distractions put on today's family, it's no wonder flexibility is so important and so valued. People understand that work/life balance is something that is absolutely necessary for both mental and physical health. In essence, we are seeing more and more people pursuing careers in industries that offer long-term stability and/or flexibility," commented Lozada.

"For instance, at Heald College, we've see an increase in enrollment in such programs that offer long-term stability as medical assisting, dental assisting and pharmacy technology. As the Baby Boomers age and medicine continues to improve, the U.S. will undoubtedly see an increase in the need for healthcare. We see healthcare as stable and, frankly, recession proof," said Lozada.

Lozada continued that Heald Colleges also see high demand for its IT programs. "IT careers are typically quite flexible. Network System administrators, for instance, are needed around the clock in such locations as businesses, schools and government offices."

Top Careers For Stability

Based on U.S. Department of Labor industry trend information through 2016, as well as Heald College placement data, the following occupations continue to see high demand:

1. Medical Assistant

2. Pharmacy Technician

3. Legal and Accounting Administrative Assistant

4. Network Systems Administration

5. Dental Assistant

By the Numbers: Workplace Thankfulness Survey Fast Facts

- 30% of women were more thankful for flexibility in their schedules compared to 20% of men.

- 27% of Americans aged 54 and under are more likely to be thankful for job stability compared to 18% of those over 55.

- 25% of Americans over 55 stated they were most thankful for having job satisfaction. Only 13% of respondents under the age of 55 gave the same response.

- Regionally, 30% of Americans in the southern United States* were most thankful for job stability compared to 23% in other regions of the United States.

Source: PR Newswire

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